About Us
Pey Afkan Sazeh Consulting Engineering Company is active in construction consultation field of service relying on specialists and experienced people.
This company was founded in 2007 A.D. owning rank 3 for offering consultation services in Road and Transportation, Residential, Commercial, Administrative, Industrial and Martial Buildings confirmed by president’s planning and strategic oversight deputy.
What our clients say
We, the committee for the selection of the best steel designs of 2018, simultaneous with the 9th National and the 3rd International Conference on the Construction and Steel, as the largest civil engineering specialized event in the country, have chosen the project of “Aseman Suspension Pedestrian Bridge” as an appreciated Project in the field of bridge in 2018. And hereby, appreciate the achievement of respected group. We wish the success of this esteemed collection.
- Mohammad Shekarchi Zadeh, the head of the Research Center for Road, Housing and Urban Planning
- Seyyed Rasool Mir Ghaderi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Steel Structures Association
- Ali Mazrooei, the chairman of the committee for the selection of the best steel designs in 2018

Thanks to sincerely thankful to you, by virtue of being almighty and hard-working, consistent with and consistent with coherent planning and relying on the ability, creativity, and scientific innovation to progress and sustainably develop. Your accompaniment and synchronization will be presented in the design of the cultural, recreational, commercial and residential complex of Aalqaddar Square, thanks to the municipality of Maragheh.

By this, the municipality expresses its satisfaction with the company’s performance in the design and implementation of the consulting services of Paul Valley Asr Varzagan. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the efforts of the company.

Regards, Thanks and appreciation of the Buchan municipality for drawing design and implementation plans of the Bukan Independence bridge overpass bridge project, which is carried out with Hassan Tilakh new design and accurate calculations, and most importantly, the delivery of operational and computational plans within the set time. We announce the treaty by those renowned engineers and demand the honor and happiness of all the respectable personnel from God.

Therefore, respectfully, from the compassionate and wise nightmare of this respectable adviser on the completion and exploitation of the great junction of the Jahad Maragheh, which is the first experience of this city and municipality, in the light of its consistent efforts, the adviser will provide general comfort and facilitation.
Providing city traffic, we sincerely appreciate and appreciate.

We thank God for the sake of the right of the people of our way and the efforts of the men in the field of construction, so that on the eve of spring we will see the start of the spring bridge project with Azerbaijan.
Herewith, I will be grateful to you for your valuable services in the development and development of the city.

Your continued efforts to complete the first phase of the intersection project of the three levels of martyr Hamid Bakeri have given the highest success to the high peaks of development, development and development of the city of Tabriz’s historian under the banner of Allah Akbar and under the leadership of the great authority of the Holy Prophet Ayatollah Khamenei I ask God for help.
Receive your gratitude and appreciation.

The Quality Policy
Our company’s always been trying to improve the quality of provided services with establishment of the “Quality Management System” based on ISO 9001:2015 standards and reforming organizational processes that lead us to establish our systemic policy based on company’s potential and actual abilities and capabilities which is expected to be implemented, preserved and improved by all the staff .
The policy approved by the CEO
Enhancement of Clients Satisfaction
- Creating appropriate processes of communicating with clients
- Delivering the projects right on time
- Receiving the opinions and suggestions
- Considering the complaints
Improvement of Quality Culture
- Training People
- Developing Knowledge Management
- Developing People and Experts Knowledge
Enhancement of efficiency and decrement of the finished price of services
- Controlling and managing the prices
- Establishing and implementing motivational systems
- Controlling and Managing all processes risk
- Special attention to continual improvement and the usage of it in all levels of organizational processes.
Policies and strategies have been established to guarantee the factors above with creating goals and implementing related plans in the long term.

In the field of management, the company, with a deep belief in system-based and planned management and the use of employee participatory opinions on management issues, has been able to make processes more efficient and up-to-date through the creation of a quality management system based on ISO 9001.
Masters Evaluation
The purpose of the development of monitoring and measuring the satisfaction of employers, establishing a more effective relationship with the employer, and informing the employer about the company's activities, processes and services in order to estimate the expectations and to increase the satisfaction of the employer.
For this purpose, questionnaires are provided to the employers and then collected, summarized and analyzed, and corrective and preventive measures related to the employer's comments in improving the company's performance, which is followed by the views of the previous employers.
Latest news
Appreciation from “Aseman Suspension Bridge of Tehran” at the National Conference on Construction and Steel-2018
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Main Office
Unit 10, First Floor, Mahan Bldg., South Artesh Ave, Tabriz, IRAN
Postal Code: 51376 – 46314
Phone: (+98) 41 355 54 942
Fax: (+98) 41 355 61 518
Tehran Office
No 18, Ground Floor, 12th St, Pakestan Ave, Beheshti Ave, Tehran, IRAN
Postal Code: 15317
Phone: (+98) 21 887 49 300
Fax: (+98) 21 887 49 300